After an Accident, Secure the Benefits that Are Rightfully Yours

Working with machines can be dangerous. If one is not calibrated correctly, or well maintained, you could get seriously injured.

You’ll need medical treatment. You may miss work.

Machine injuries occur on the job in Washington State perhaps more than you realize.

According to Washington Department of Labor & Industries (L&I) data from 2007-2019, machines, tools, and electric parts caused 429 injuries, while unspecified machinery accidents led to 543 injuries, and material-handling machinery resulted in 532 injuries. Office and business machinery caused another 88 injuries.

If you were injured working with a machine, you should take any time off you need to heal.

But how will you pay your bills in the meantime?

Washington worker’s compensation, overseen by L&I, provides coverage for your medical treatment and money for your essential expenses while you aren’t working. This financial assistance helps you rest easy and recover.

You don’t have to go after workers’ compensation—which can be a battle—all on your own. Bothwell & Hamill can help you win workers’ comp benefits in Richland, Spokane, Kennewick, Sunnyside, Yakima, Walla Walla, Ellensburg, Wenatchee or anywhere else throughout Central Washington.

Then you can focus on getting better without having to stress about your finances.

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Workers’ Compensation Claims for Machine Accidents

Machine injuries can take many forms:

  • The loss of an extremity like a finger, arm, or hand
  • Concussions
  • Electrical burns
  • Nerve damage
  • Organ damage
  • Paralysis
  • Amputations
  • Internal hemorrhaging
  • Cuts

To be eligible for workers’ compensation, you’ll have to show that you experienced a machine accident, the accident happened during work, and the accident left you injured.

Here are some scenarios:

  • A manager forgot to do the daily rundown of the machines in the morning before the employees came to work, and because of that a machine backfired and injured you.
  • An inspector failed to notice faulty parts on a machine, it stopped working properly, and you were injured.
  • A coworker accidentally turned on a machine before you were ready and wearing your safety gear, and you got injured.
  • And any other injury that happens at work, for any reason, involving a machine.

When you contact a Bothwell & Hamill workers’ compensation lawyer, they will examine the details of your specific situation and determine the best way to move forward so you have the best chance of receiving maximum benefits.

Reach out to us now for your free legal evaluation.

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Starting an L&I Claim for a Machine Accident in Central Washington

As soon as your injury occurs in a Central Washington workplace (and this is true of any kind of injury on the job), it’s critical to open up an L&I claim.

These are the steps you’ll need to increase your chances of success:

    • Report your machine accident injury to your supervisor and GET YOUR REPORT IN WRITING.


    • Get treatment from a doctor, and make sure to get a doctor who puts your interests first—not just a company doctor.


    • Follow your doctor’s treatment orders, including going to follow-up appointments, undergoing different medical tests, and taking prescribed medication.


L&I or a workers’ comp insurance company might not give you the full amount of benefits you deserve, which is why you need an advocate like the workers’ compensation lawyers at Bothwell & Hamill on your side.

With help from our workers’ comp attorneys, you can focus on your healing, gain peace of mind about your finances and move forward with your life as soon as possible.

Let us help you with your claim.

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Happy Yakima man wins workers' comp with the help of Tim Hamill

Every time L&I would send me to an independent medical exam with one of their doctors (you know, the ones that always say nothing is wrong), Timothy would make sure that L&I would fail in their attempt to close my case.”

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